Presenting a gift inside a balloon is such a unique way and will most defiantly make an impression.
When providing your own gifts/contents for our BYO Gift Balloon please be mindful of the size and weight of your gifts/contents.
Please keep in mind all gifts/contents must fit into a 12cm diameter circle not exceeding 2kg in total weight. This is best recommended for longer lasting inflation.
A HARD PACKAGED content that is not flexible CAN NOT exceed 12 cm in diameter because unfortunately the content will not fit in our gift balloon.
Some examples of hard packing contents are Perfume, Photo Frame, some Toys, Hard Covered Books etc .
We usually don't experience any issues with a SOFT PACKAGED contents as it has flexibility and not restricted to the 12cm diameter circle.
FOR EXAMPLE: Clothing, Towels, Teddy Bears,
Runners, Blankets etc.
If you have any questions regarding the size or weight of your BYO gift item, please send us and email and we will be able to help you.